Health Clubs Tampa

Yunior Falls-Alvarez, MD

3617 W Hillsborough Ave
Tampa , FL 33614
(844) 665-4827


I was born in Camaguey, Cuba. When I became an adult, I decided to come to the US. It is helpful that I am fluent in Spanish and English. My passion to help people is why I became a doctor. My family is asthmatic, and we were frequently at the hospital when I was growing up. I realized that if I studied medicine, I could help my family and others. A great day at work is when we meet all of our patients’ expectations. It requires compassion and collaboration to provide the best care possible! I belong to the old school of medicine that says you must have a full understanding of a patient’s complaints to get the root of the problem.

Yunior Falls-Alvarez, MD can be found at 3617 W Hillsborough Ave . The following is offered: Health Clubs - In Tampa there are 56 other Health Clubs. An overview can be found here.


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Map 3617 W Hillsborough Ave